Articles tagged with tax-governance

Hand reaching up to the atmosphere

Tax Policy Considerations in the Wake of COVID-19

Response from Ewan Livingston, The B Team, February 2021

12 Mar 2021
2 min
Image of coloured light circles slightly out of focus

New publication explores perspectives on tax policy for the new reality

Introducing Tax policy considerations in the wake of COVID-19 – a summary of Responsible Tax roundtable discussions on potential tax policy responses to the new reality.

18 Dec 2020
2 min
Image looking up at the sky through a circular building

What short-term actions will governments take to address challenges arising from COVID-19?

Virtual Responsible Tax roundtable: Reaction and resilience

21 May 2020
8 min
Image looking up at a circular stained glass window

What tax policy measures will support economies post-COVID-19?

Virtual Responsible Tax roundtable: The recovery phase

21 May 2020
6 min
Looking up to the open sky through a circular building

Comments on the Public Consultation Document - Review of Country-by-Country Reporting (BEPS Action 13)

Professionals in the member firms of KPMG International (“KPMG”) welcome the opportunity to comment on the OECD’s public consultation document entitled “Public Consultation Document: Review of the Country-by-Country Reporting (BEPS Action 13)” released on February 6, 2020 (the “Consultation Document”).

11 Mar 2020
14 min
Close up of a transparent water droplet

Talking Tax, not Trust in Dublin

In a recent Opinion piece, KPMG Global Head of Tax, Jane McCormick, and Robert Phillips, author of Trust Me, PR is Dead, argued that tax can be seen as part of the remedy, not part of the problem to the issue of trust. “Responsible Tax thinking and principles”, they write, “enable an important re-set of the social compact, that will,...

10 Jul 2019
8 min
A close up of many bubbles

The end of the arm’s-length principle?

Where the context is complex, the best option is sometimes the ‘least-worst’ one.The arm’s-length principle can be complex to apply and is under pressure due to changing business models.Formulary apportionment appears to present a simpler approach to allocating taxing rights globally but is not without its own weaknesses and complexities.Formulary apportionment could only work if there was global agreement. However, this...

13 Sep 2018
5 min
Close up image of the surface of a bubble

From principles to movement: Encouraging signs for a #ResponsibleTax future

I am very pleased to see real momentum building on #ResponsibleTax. 

16 Feb 2018
2 min