Image of Roundtable Events

Roundtable Events

A series of roundtables focused on advancing the global agenda and conversation around Responsible Tax.

The KPMG Global Responsible Tax Project roundtable series

The conversation around responsible tax is increasingly present on businesses’ agendas, particularly as multinational organizations are deciding upon and articulating their approach to tax governance and transparency as part of the wide environmental, social and governance (ESG) agenda. In the discussions around sustainable business in a net-zero future, tax has a seat at the table.

To enable and enrich these conversations, the KPMG Global Responsible Tax Project will continue to hold round table series to bring together a wide range of stakeholders including global institutions, tax and other business leaders, activists, media, and more, for the opportunity to listen, learn, share and develop thinking on how tax systems operate and how businesses operate within them.

Latest content

Image of What is the role of consumption taxes in building effective tax systems?

What is the role of consumption taxes in building effective tax systems?

30 April 2024

By the Global Responsible Tax Thought Leaders group

20 Jun 2024
8 min
Image of Responsible AI in tax administration: Who or what should be responsible?

Responsible AI in tax administration: Who or what should be responsible?

Held 28 February 2024

11 Jun 2024
4 min
Image of Global Responsible Tax: How to create an ethical framework for AI and tax?

Global Responsible Tax: How to create an ethical framework for AI and tax?

Held 28 February 2024

05 Jun 2024
13 min
Image of Part 3 | Tax and Carbon: Carrot or stick? Virtual roundtable

Part 3 | Tax and Carbon: Carrot or stick? Virtual roundtable

Global South Focus

06 May 2024
7 min
Image of Global responsible tax – Will wealth taxes work?

Global responsible tax – Will wealth taxes work?

Held 20 November 2023

14 Feb 2024
10 min


We are grateful to all of our contributors, including:

Benita Mathew, Lecturer in AI and Fintech, University of Surrey

Benita Mathew

Lecturer in AI and Fintech at University of Surrey

Rebecca Cagigao, Program Executive and Content Manager, Jericho Chambers

Rebecca Cagigao

Program Executive and Content Manager at Jericho Chambers

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